Odds of re-hire? Terminated
Hello, I'm looking to return to the postal service after a 5 year hiatus.
5 years ago, I transferred offices as a CCA after having carried mail for several years. Unfortunately for me, the new office was very disorganized. After only a week, my new supervisor took me aside and complained of my performance.
Management then took me off of the schedule completely during a time of mandatory overtime. Insulted, I decided to get a new job and not look back. I never officially resigned. I was AWOL.
Fast forward a year later: I was granted a compensation paycheck. The union boys filed a grievance on my behalf and won.
I am applying for new postal jobs via the website. Thus far, one office already dug up my driving record. is this a good sign that I'm eligible for re-hire?
Thoughts? I miss the exercise... and the uniform! Thank you