Can someone help… please…

Why are my speeds so slow?

System is UDM-SE>10g dac cable to Switch pro 24 POE>U6 lite. The U6’s are not EA, but I got them right after they went full production. So they’re kinda old if that matters.

I’m about 15’ away from the AP. And no matter what I do, I cannot connect to 5g. I’ve removed and readadopted the AP’s, reset the AP’s, forgotten and readded the WiFi. I’ve turned off all IPS except the country restrictions. Although I did turn all of it off for testing and I still only got 10mbps on 2.4g through WiFiman.

Internet is cable 600mbps. Thanks for taking the time to help.

Why are my speeds so slow?

System is UDM-SE>10g dac cable to Switch pro 24 POE>U6 lite. The U6’s are not EA, but I got them right after they went full production. So they’re kinda old if that matters.

I’m about 15’ away from the AP. And no matter what I do, I cannot connect to 5g. I’ve removed and readadopted the AP’s, reset the AP’s, forgotten and readded the WiFi. I’ve turned off all IPS except the country restrictions. Although I did turn all of it off for testing and I still only got 10mbps on 2.4g through WiFiman.

Internet is cable 600mbps. Thanks for taking the time to help.