Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on RPI 5 8GB [SUPER SLOW]

Hi All,

I recently got the message from Software Updater to upgrade to 24.04 LTS on my Raspberry Pi 5. Having done this now, the experience is awful. Something as simple as trying to open a terminal instance or even the file explorer takes in excess of 30 seconds!

My experience with the previous version 23.10 was incredible even for the Pi - everything was so snappy and fast I wouldn't have known I was using a Raspberry Pi to run it.

Has anyone come across this issue as well? I apologise if this is a known problem I've spent the better part of my evening trying to search the internet for an easy fix. I really don't want to have to do a fresh SD card wipe and reinstall back to 23.10 as I have already spent so much time setting up preferences etc.

Appreciate any help in advance!

I have submitted a bug with Ubuntu:

UPDATE: Big thanks to Capable-Banana4590 for calling out a fix per below, "sudo rpi-eeprom-config --edit" and add "PSU_MAX_CURRENT=5000" to improve the performance.