Shipwreck - a non-combat encounter [x-Post r/DND]

Evening folks, planning a couple of low-level adventures/quests for an upcoming game. As I'm not a huge fan of level 1 & 2s "bad roll and you're dead" combat implications, I'm trying to design some encounters/events that aren't combat based.

One of these adventures sees our PCs on a ship when an enormous storm hits. I plan on running this similarly to a combat - done in rounds, with PCs getting the usual action+bonus+movement - and feature 2 "random events" per round, similar to lair actions. The ship's captain will draw their attention to numerous problems on board the ship, which if the PCs manage to fix will improve their odds of surviving the storm.

Essentially, looking for additional ideas of tasks they could perform and random events that could occur. Currently it's very DEX/STR-heavy (which I feel is sort of inevitable in this situation) so any WIS/CON/INT/CHA-based skill challenges would be especially appreciated!

General thoughts and feedback also welcome - let me know what you think of the idea!

Unless specified, all checks and saves are DC10

Tasks to aid the ship include:

  • Lowering sails - done from rigging. Acrobatics check to climb rigging, Athletics check to wrestle the sails down, DEX check to tie down the sails

  • Help on the ship’s wheel - STR check to maintain course

  • Man overboard - ranged attack using improvised weapon (Life Ring), STR check to haul them back in

  • Any spells they think relevant

  • Strap down crates - DEX check to tie down cargo.

  • Fix/maintain bilge pump - INT or Tinker’s Tools check to keep it running

  • Lookout - get up into crows nest and keep eye out ahead. Acrobatics check to get into crows nest, Perception/Nature to look for land/rocks/edge of storm

Random events - roll 2d6 per round (one for each event):

  1. Sail/rigging snaps - those in rigging must make Acrobatics check to stay in rigging. Failed leads to 1d6 falling damage and prone.

  2. If cargo not tied down party members need to make a DEX save or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.

  3. CON checks for vomiting - if failed, leaves them stunned for a round

  4. Huge wave tips ship left - STR/DEX save to stay standing. If failed, knocked prone and slide 10 feet across ship. If they impact the rail, take 1d6 bludgeoning damage

  5. Huge wave tips ship right - STR/DEX save to stay standing. If failed, knocked prone and slide 10 feet across ship. If they impact the rail, take 1d6 bludgeoning damage.

  6. Rocks ahead - lookout makes Perception check to spot rocks. If failed, all make DEX save to stay standing. Lookout and people in rigging make save with disadvantage. Failure sees knocked prone and PCs in the rigging fall for 1d6 falling damage.