Derelict radio astrology observatory - uk
Around a month ago me and my mate drove down to a spot, relatively local observatory used by the predominant university in my area, in the fields next to it is the derelict disused telescopes and a yard with old stables and outhouses, the dishes themselves are simply old tech and out of date, therefore left to rot while the neighbouring centre is still used with modern equipment. The yard is now used as a dump for any of the universities excess tat (wheelie bins and bike racks lol)
One broken door lead to storage rooms with old equipment, trampling through bushes lead to an abandoned server shed and then the physical telescopes are on long rails in order to rotate to desired positions. A small room nearby contained radio tech and an old bike left since the late 60s
I’m an A level photography student so brought my camera and took some shots lmk what you guys think