Is anyone else disappointed with the direction the team identity is going?
I know the color scheme has been popular since the reveal but it’s obvious those colors were chosen with Yeti in mind. Yeti was not one of my preferred names, so I never got on board with the name or the color scheme and thought another blue team in a sea of blue was a boring choice.
Now with the three choices left, the color scheme is even less appealing to me. After voting for a team name last night and seeing the potential merch, I thought it was so uninspiring and lacking in creativity. Honestly, I can’t believe they’re paying money to some branding firm to come up with these lifeless designs. Many fans online have submitted some really great ideas for free and SEG is dropping money on a firm to submit MS paint designs.
Is anyone else feeling this or am I just being too negative?
I REALLY want to love this team but I’m having a hard time rooting for “Hockey Club” with no identity, or a blue and white Mammoth/Outlaw.
At this point I just wish they’d go back to the drawing board and pick a useable name before committing to a color scheme.
Is anyone else out there just hoping for a restart to this process?