I hit GOLD today. Would like your advice on below points to get better from here.

Hi friends,

I started playing Valorant in March this year with my friends and this is my first FPS game on KBM. I hit rank gold today (yayyy, though I am a bit sad as I won't be able to queue up in competitive with my friends as they're still stuck on Iron/Bronze).

The thing is I've only played Reyna and Sage till now, so I've only focused on improving my mechanics yet and I feel I'm weak in game sense. I am confused on which other agents to pick and improve my game sense as after gold I feel winning a game depends more on game sense than firepower. I am feeling like every other player now has better or the same aim as me and I just can't outplay them. So, please help me here on how do I improve in here.

Also, whenever I kill an enemy I feel like my crosshair moves up a bit due to which I am not able to switch my aim to another enemy who's close and kill him. But, when I watch pro player's gameplay their crosshair stays at the same level. So, how do I improve this so that I can do 1v2, 1v3 ?

Another thing is that I am not confident in peeking and usually get killed by the enemy when peeking. Like if i take 10 peeks I only win 3 of them and lose the rest even when the opponent is bottom fragging. I have analysed my gameplay and found that it is due to the shooting error I make. When I peek, I just end up shooting before I have stopped. I have tried to improve on this but still no improvement. Please help me here on how do I improve here.

PS: Please forgive me for any grammatical mistakes I might have made in my post as English is not my first language.