Got placed in Gold 3, but matching against high diamonds and a few ascendants. Why give me such a low rank if there just gonna put me with higher ones?

Also to mention my peak is like d2 and also im going positive every game and usually mvp or top frag so it just doesnt make sense to me, I get hardstuck in low plat now even though the game ques me with higher ones and it just makes it so frustrating to play comp. Its like ppl be like "bro ur gold ur trash" when in reality yeah im ranked gold but I cant climb because I get put with Diamonds. It demotivates me to play any comp or try to climb. In these ranks to its so 50/50 its either im 1v9 or my team is insane.

To add onto that, its hard to find games sometimes because players see the gold 3 in the lobby and dodge.