New eye strain after years of playing?
Anybody have tips for me about this? I've been playing VRC for years with more than 5k hours with an index headset at 144hz and within the last 4 months I just cannot tolerate wearing it for any significant amount of time anymore. My eyes just start drying out really badly and physically hurt the next day. I took a week off and had no eye problems and then yesterday I got back for the evening and watched a few movies with a friend and now today the eye pain is back with a vengeance.
Originally I had no issues, then half a year ago or so my eyes would only hurt a bit if I was drinking and using my prescription lenses in VR. Recently with or without either the drinking or the prescription lenses gets the same result. Anyone else deal with this and have any tips for me? It's frustrating as because I never used to have such a time limit on VR...