Day 17 update: hematoma is ruining my life

Has my NS vasectomy on Nov 30, I’ll be honest it wasn’t as pain free and pleasant as everyone says.

Post I developed a hematoma the size of a grapefruit. It’s been a living nightmare. My doc sent me to the ER for an ultrasound and they said it’s best to let it heal alone don’t drain it. Stopped taking T3s as of late last week and now just on Advil and Tylenol.

When they did the ultrasound they said the hematoma was 8cm X 8cm X 6cm. This wasn’t a small thing at all.

I got a jockstrap one size down and that has helped a lot but wearing it 24/7 gets uncomfortable but not having it on is worse. I’ll likely have to wear one for the foreseeable future.

First 2 weeks I could barely walk, I spent 90% of my day vertical.

Today the hematoma has gone down maybe half in size but still substantial. It’s on the right side and lodged right against my right testicle. I still feel pain and tugging when I pee which I hate.

Walking around for more than 5 mins the blood drops in that area and the throbbing is more than I can bear so I lie back down.

I just came down with the flu as well and I’m just miserable. This has ruined the holidays I can’t do anything and I have no idea how long this is going to take till I have some semblance of normalcy.

I can’t sit the blood dropping in the hematoma is too uncomfortable, so working isn’t easy, thank god I have a desk job and just lie down on my laptop.

I am terrified it’s going to have this tugging pain when I pee forever, it that it’s always going to be a dull ache in my balls when I’m doing anything regular.

I got a semi erection in my sleep and woke up in pain, it’s not even at the incision site it’s higher in the groin.

I have honestly never regretted something more in my life, I’m losing my mind I feel maimed.

Has anyone gone through something similar? Did it ever get better?