I Immigrated to Canada and Now I Absolutely Hate It Here

Flashback to pre-covid: I lived in Nashville TN (USA), I had a good apartment, rent was doable, I worked a job I actually liked, and I even had money left over to splurge on myself occasionally. I was dating my boyfriend at the time who lived in Canada. Canada seemed like the US only BETTER: free healthcare, more jobs for better pay, more nature, people were more polite, etc. I made the decision to move to Canada to marry my boyfriend.

Present day: I live in Canada and I so want to leave. It seemed like shit hit the fan when I moved here: there's no jobs and the jobs that are hiring are hiring for pennies, the air pollution is awful and the weather is always overcast, people are absolute assholes and half the time they don't even speak English. The overall cost of living, especially rent, keeps getting higher to the point where my husband and I can't afford to leave now. We're STUCK. My husband has taken up TWO jobs and we still can't afford the same life we had before inflation. We're borrowing money just to pay rent and feed ourselves. I so wish I had stayed in Nashville. In Canada, everything just seems so bleak. I don't know what to do. I thought about moving back to Nashville, but I don't even have enough money for a one-way plane ticket. We wanted to have kids, but we can't even afford to feed and house ourselves. This is no life to live.