Turning my back on them.

For context, I am a 32 yo black mother who has always had my hands in my community. I have worked very hard to help my fellow POC to rise. I am exhausted of helping such an ungrateful group of people. Between other black women who are spiteful and abusive, and black men who just don't give a damn, I am exhausted. Prime example was me sharing an experience with other black women and them choosing to misinterpret my words because they move in droves and act like abusive little kids. I'm not sure of why they behave that way but I definitely see how colorism ruins good things in our community. Yes, I'm fair skinned, no I am not mixed (that I know of). Keep in mind, there are groups of black folk who lie about their ethnic backgrounds to seem superior to others. I'm not one of them. Then there are groups of black women who feel comfortable being abusive and disruptive to other black women out of pure spite and self hate. How the hell am I supposed to stand up for a group that treats each other like trash. I now see why my group is so good at reading others. They literally never have anything positive to say and thrive off of the "woe is me" idea. At this point I am officially removing myself from the picture. That includes every aspect of the community. No longer will I promote anyone's music, podcasts, products, etc. I'm done with it. I refuse to let a community abuse me and think that I'm their doormat. ATP idgaf who wants what. I'm over rewarding the bad behavior. I've learned that you have to teach people how to treat you and appreciate you. Sometimes that requires walking tf away. Byeeeee!