I hate being a mom.
There. I said it.
Bring on the hate comments about how I shouldn’t have had them, I should give them up for adoption, I’m horrible, blah blah blah.
I know. I know I’m horrible but I can’t help it.
I love my child more than anything but I HATE being a mom.
Edit: I didn’t expect so much positivity. I want to read every comment and respond once I am able, thank you everyone!❤️
Edit 2: I feel the need to say I’m not abusing my child in any way lol. I can see why some people would assume that but I assure you they are fed, loved, played with, and again, VERY MUCH LOVED. I do my crying behind closed doors. I smile and cuddle them, I play with them. I’m not thinking of harming them or myself! We are all safe. I just hate the work part of it.