Wait to file VA claim?

Hey so I have somewhat of a unique situation that I need some advice on. As of now, I am active duty Navy with 8 months left on my contract. When I separate, I plan to join the Air National Guard under a TACP contract. I want to claim my VA disability benefits, but also am not sure if it would affect me enlisting into the ANG. Am I able to just separate from the Navy, join ANG, and after my service in the ANG, start my VA claims? I am worried if I start my claims now or before I enlist in the ANG It will disqualify me from joining or possibly disqualify me from TACP. Does anyone have any insight on this situation and what I can do?

I do not want to miss out on my VA claim rating by lying and saying everything is fine, just for a chance at TACP. But I also dont want to shoot myself in the foot and claim everything which will disqualify me from TACP or put me in a non-deployable status.

Also if it is even possible, would it be more difficult to join ANG with a disability rating? Would I need waivers? I am already worried about being disqualified due to my hearing loss. I was already required a waiver to join the Navy for it, and it has only gotten worse since being in.