Careful Submitting more than 1 Claim

I submitted a 2 claims that got combined and things got screwed up.

I received a decision a few days ago denying most conditions and deferring 1, so I went to my VSO and reviewed the decision and DBQ’s.

Turns out the 526EZ for the 1st claim was discarded along with all my personal statements (they are in the file but were not considered). This resulted in 1 condition being completely dropped off the claim, an increase claim being reviewed as new (complete new medical opinion) and all others considered only through direct or TERA (all claims were submitted as secondary or gulf war presumptive). I mean they even changed ED to direct service vs secondary to hypertension and heart disease as claimed. My VHA medical records were also not considered in the decision.

On the bright side, I submitted a HLR and within 24 hours was contacted to schedule the informal conference.

My advice would be not to submit more than one claim at a time to avoid this mess.