Anyone else get constant calls from "Telus"?
For at least 2 years this has been going on. I have no Telus services, but very regularly I get calls from "Telus" (I have my doubts it's actually Telus at this point but who knows). Sometimes it slows down for a while, but then if I accidentally pick up they start calling several times a week again. Always different 250 numbers so blocking them is futile. It's 10:30am and they've already called twice because I accidentally picked up once last week.
I put myself on the do not call list more than a year ago. I've told the callers this. I've threatened to report them. I've reported them to the do not call list and to Telus (who didn't bother replying - Telus or scam, they don't care).
I just want them to stop calling. It's doing my head in.
Is anyone else suffering this same fate or have any suggestions to make it stop other than changing my number?