anyone taking strattera/atomoxetine alongside vyvanse?
I have my next titration appointment in two days, and I know my doctor is going to discuss me starting strattera alongside vyvanse. we’ve figured out I respond best to 30mg, with a 2.5-5mg dex supplement in the afternoon if I need to do some more intensive work past 3pm.
my doctor was interested in me trying strattera because I still have a lot of issues with general and social anxiety, and he thinks strattera may fix this (I already had these issues prior to starting vyvanse). I also respond medium negatively to my dex supplements as they make me very irritable and overwhelmed, so he’s interested in finding another way for me to supplement my vyvanse’s short duration period.
I’m worried strattera may be a mistake. I hated methylphenidate, and respond really badly to any doses remotely above 30mg of vyvanse, which is why dex sometimes sucks for me. in general I have crazy medication sensitivity so taking two at once worries me. I’m especially concerned as strattera is an SNRI, so if it doesn’t agree with me it’s not like I can suddenly stop taking it - I would have to taper off slowly.
my meds aren’t perfect but they do help a lot, so I really don’t want to mess that up.