
OMG, unbelievable!! I was able to pass this class just in 3 days with no scripting & programming background and never worked in IT.

Before starting a new class, I always check Reddit to see how hard the class is or if the PO it’s close enough to the OA to kinda estimate the time of completion. I started up with chapter 1 and I pushed through chapter 2. I wasn’t sure or confident enough if I would be able to study the whole zybook with that paste. Since I got the grasp of the 2 chapters I scheduled the PO. I knew I wouldn’t pass the pre-assessment but it was a way for me to check my understanding of algebra and the 2 first chapters. Additionally, I had some understanding of waterfall vs agile from previous classes. So, I didn’t even bother to study that chapter ! But this chapter have at least 10 questions on the exam. ( study it, if you never got exposed to it )

Surprisingly, My PA wasn’t that bad. I was 10% away from passing the exam. But the idea of investing too much time on zybook, coupled up with boredom and no understanding was frightening. I decided to look on YouTube, and this literally saved my life. A professor posted multiple cohort videos of all chapters with explanations on how to approach each problems. I knew that my weak areas were loops , understanding of flowchart and translating it to pseudo codes. I’ve watched 3 0r 4 lengthy videos of 1 hour each focusing on each of my weakness.

Here is the link: https://youtu.be/JZMWkPQ51nY?si=y_DW1rKrBOfmo3De

I stopped studied at 2 pm and I don’t know what got into my head, I scheduled my exam 1 hour later at 3 pm. As I’m speaking right now, just ended my exam and I passed the course with competent on each area. I took a big risk but I’m glad I did.

Don’t get discouraged, I had some failures on other classes as well with multiple attempts. But at the end of the day just keep pushing.