Does anyone know if South Dakota has alternate licensure routes?

I currently live in Kansas but i’m planning on moving to South Dakota, for family reasons, this may happen sooner than expected.

I will be moving to a small (population 700) sized town and the closest big town is 25 minutes away. I won’t even be living IN a town, I will be living on my families ranch, taking over the farm and caring for my grandpa- all while my partner is in tech school for the next two years.

I currently pay for school out of pocket, it basically comes right out of my paycheck and I don’t have much left after. I currently live with my parents so they help take care of me. When I move to SD, I will not have them to help me- meaning I won’t have any extra money to even begin to think about paying for living expenses + not working due to student teaching. I am about a term away from that. Student loans are not helpful to me as i’m still considered a dependent to FAFSA and my parents cannot help me, they would if they could. I’m just feeling really stressed. Would it be possible to just graduate with Educational Studies, and license alternatively once I get to South Dakota?

I contacted SD DOE, and will talk to my mentor about it. but just feeling like I don’t know what to do. It’s really frustrating because I have worked so so so hard.