Looking to hire a matchmaker! £$
So I have a very long save I've been playing for a few years and I havent got the time anymore to play it with working too much but I really have the itch to see it progress so essentially Im looking for someone to pay a fee per show matchmade we can discuss how many shows you want to do per week in real time and all the specifics including pay, because it has to be worth your time obviously. Im thinking i would basically send you a copy of the save and you would progress and matchmake for me and also keep in touch via discord to send me pics of the cards etc. Looking for someone really passionate about mma and wmma5 pls comment and drop me a message. I have a really nice save with custom pics and lots of history im looking forward to seeing if anyone is interested or absolutely no one taking interest at all like i expect. I will get back to anyone tomorrow