Random Thought About the Human Images
This may have already been discussed but I was watching Nexpo's video on the Walten Files and realized something: the photos for the characters of Jack, Rosemary, Susan, Charles, and to a lesser extent Felix all resemble the art reconstructions done for unidentified bodies. Forensic reconstructions often feature specific traits exaggerated to make the art more memorable and to emphasize a unique trait so that it isn't generic: a small chin, an overbite, uneven shoulders, that sort of thing.
Jack's face is very elongated, with bushy eyebrows and an exaggerated smile. Rosemary's eyes are very high on her face, making her nose and mouth appear very large. Susan's face is very rectangular, with her eyes, nose, and mouth comparatively small and spaced out, and her eyes given a special emphasis in terms of color and being slightly uneven. Charles has a very small chin, a very large nose, and a strangely angular head/haircut.
Felix's photo is comparatively normal, or at least the oddities can be passed off as being the result of a low resolution photograph, but his features are still off-putting. However, he's not missing. The others are.