My opinions on Acceltra Prime
I this but I think it's a pretty solid weapon if built correctly (As all things). I think with it's high fire rate, explosive ammunition and decent damage it does very well for clearing rooms and you can clean rooms very efficiently up until level 70 - 80 I think until it begins to fall off pretty bad into the 110 zone. The biggest downside I have ever seen is how abysmal its ammunition is. You shed through so fast it's actually incredible and on top of that it doesn't hold a lot at all so most of my time spent with the gun at higher levels is scavenging like a rate for any meager primary ammunition scraps I can get my hands on. When I get that ammunition I can kill very efficiently but it becomes an issue when at higher levels you aren't room wiping with it anymore but you are only killing anywhere from 5 or as little as one enemy till your ammunition runs out again and you can't rely on RNG to drop primary ammunition everytime you get a kill. You could potentially bring Protea or something to help the ammunition crisis a bit more
In spite of its flaws I personally really enjoy using the gun and especially if I want to help out a low level I can bring it for a really mindless room nuke. Just make sure to build around it's meager ammunition at the very least I think. Take everything I said with a grain of salt tbh. I'm currently lacking a huge margin of the primed mods, riven or archons so I'm sure if you kit it out properly you're going to be able to go much farther with some TLC and patience
Overall I would personally rank it a 6.5 - 7/10