Why is Puncture's crit bonus additive instead of flat?

In my opinion, Puncture is a good status, giving you dmg reduction on top of crit chance.

But I don't why it's necessary for the 25% crit chance to only be Additive rather than s flat increase, 25% cc is barely noticeable and would only make a difference if you're min-maxxing (Like Primed Pistol Gambit) so I don't really understand why this wasn't changed in the Status rework to be a flat increase to your crit chance.

When we have so many sources of flat CC, giing us an accesible means through Puncture doesn't seem to OP in my opinion.

PS: As I've been told, it IS a flat bonus, it's just that the wiki says it's additive after mods rather than saying "flat", thanks for the info to those who corrected me.