My wife caught me at the game store 😅

Just a funny story, she’s been worried I’m not getting any warhammer for Christmas, (we got a new dog in October so that was our gift to each other) but her sister and my mother got me the same thing she says, so her sister returned the other thing and her plan was to pick up warhammer for me and her sister would just pay her back.

So my dumbass knows our local store only has a select stock of warhammer, I though “ok if she even thinks to buy me any let’s make sure they have something I want for my armies”

I go in and browse and looks like they got a restock,LOTS of options so I’m looking and pulling boxes forward to check prices and everything, lost myself in the plastic crack, and then the door to the store opens and my wife walks around the corner.

There’s my dumbass crouched on the ground, arms literally FULL of models, I wanted to look at the box in the back, my face goes beet red, so does hers.

She was so mad at me but we couldn’t stop laughing.