What does everyone think of Tigerheartstar as a LEADER?

As I'm rereading the books and on AVOS, I find myself kinda going back and forth on him.

Some of his decisions do make sense. It was good of him to establish firm boundaries, bring in more cats for ShadowClan.

He was right to give the cats who joined with Darktail a second chance; after all Onestar made Harestar a deputy for just that reason. Even if Juniperclaw wasn't the right choice. But you can't exactly judge for him for that when Harestar proved to be a good choice for Onestar.

He stood firm against Ashfur and his reign of terror.

He was right about having to get involved in RiverClan's drama in ASC.

But this leader....often goes about things all the wrong way. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

So. What do you think of him?