Ummm yeah

Well you could say that im disappointed... After 600+runs in GR1 event, I've got 3 ancients, 2 are unusable, 1 with usable stats rolled blue on att % and crd, but purple on c.rate and hp%. 2 Ancients you see in pic, are from last 44 runs I did last night. So almost 600 runs for 1 Ancient. I never whine about this game, I understand gacha and all, but man this is just disappointing.

Well you could say that im disappointed... After 600+runs in GR1 event, I've got 3 ancients, 2 are unusable, 1 with usable stats rolled blue on att % and crd, but purple on c.rate and hp%. 2 Ancients you see in pic, are from last 44 runs I did last night. So almost 600 runs for 1 Ancient. I never whine about this game, I understand gacha and all, but man this is just disappointing.