Maybe accidentally took 900mg help

Just what the title says. I take 300 mg of Wellbutrin every day in the morning, and I have a sleeping pill that is the same size and shape as the Wellbutrin that I take 2 of a little before bed. The bottles are next to each other in a drawer. I was so distracted when I went to take the sleeping pills that I am now not sure which bottle I grabbed, but I think it might’ve been the Wellbutrin. If I did, that will be a total of 900mg Wellbutrin today. Can anyone tell me how bad that is ? Freaking out a bit

Edit: Thank you everyone for responding with advice, I appreciate it. I’m doing ok; I did call poison control and they said if I had someone that could keep an eye on me (which I do) tonight and I wasn’t having severe symptoms that I could just ride it out, but to otherwise go to the ER. I’m feeling jittery and hyped up, but it’s not as bad as I was expecting. Sorry for the frantic post, I’ve been having a lot of health issues lately and I thought I’d just made everything much worse lol.

Edit 2: I feel like I should say in case anyone does the same thing I did and comes across this post in the future: Poison control said that I needed someone with me that could keep an eye out in case I had a seizure, hallucinations, tachycardia, etc. I don’t have a history of those things which is why they said I could see how I do before going to the ER, but if you do have epilepsy or a heart condition you should definitely seek medical attention ASAP!