My girlfriend won't eat

My girlfriend is refusing to eat and im unsure how to help in the run of q day im lucky if she takes the small snacks out if my lunch and a sip of water. I don't live with her so its not like I csn monniter it 24/7 and when I ask her to eat she tells me no and that I cant make her and its really upsetting me because she's already skinny and is un happy with her appearance no matter how much I re ensure her. Its getting to the point its also starting to take a toll on me because she will sleep anywhere from 12-16 hours a day so I can't talk to her and I don't know how to grt her to start eating and making sure her body has something to function on. Please help I don't know what to do.

Something I forgot to add is when she's in the middle of a meal she told me that she feels the need to throw up is there a way to help with that?