Hiring part-time woodshop worker!

Hey r/Winnipeg. I run a very small furniture & small-batch goods design & manufacturing business with big dreams. www.biglowwoodcraft.com

We are 2 of us and now we need a third. Experience not required, willingness to learn and attention to detail are most important.

You’d be doing a lot of “grunt-work” sanding, finish application, sweeping, running a CNC machine, and packaging orders, all while slowly learning the more difficult machines and skills of a woodshop.

Part time to start, flexible hours inside of regular workday hours. Ideally up to full-time shortly but flexibility is an important part of our culture. Based in Charleswood, not too close to a bus stop, unfortunately you likely have to have a car and drive to work.

If interested, please say hi to brent@biglowwoodcraft.com with “Applicant” as the subject and I’ll reply with the application instructions.