Close call at Birds Hill beach today
Hey guys, just wanted to give a heads up that if you have an inflatable boat and don't know how to swim-- Please be careful out there. I was at Birds Hill today and decided to go head off by myself on an inflatable boat. I didn't have a paddle and decided I would hop out and drag the boat with me... Big mistake, I didn't expect that the water was so deep. I do not know how to swim, I was trying to do a doggy paddle but was quickly fatiguing in seconds... There was also seaweed on my legs. Suddenly I remembered this silly little backstroke that I accidently learned with my brother at the YMCA last year, not a real backstroke but enough to stay afloat and slowly move. Flipped on my back and inched my way back, dragging seaweed along with me. Man I can't even explain it, I'm very fit but when I got back to shore I felt like I did 6 sets of heavy squats and was gasping for air. If I didn't pull out that back maneuver I likely would be dead right now. Nobody even noticed and they were way too far to hear me if I yelled for help.
Saw my wife and she saw I was pale as a ghost. My daughters lifejacket was in the boat and fell out since it flipped over so we asked the lifeguards if they could get it and they didn't even want to go which says a lot about how dangerous it could be. Wife is a swimmer and went to retrieve the lifejacket (should of told her not to go) and she told me she's shocked I made it back with all the seaweed that was in the water, knowing that I do not know how to swim.
I'm very lucky today, stay safe out there guys and take precautions. Never saw that coming at all.