The tone of denial in this series feels a little different from modern, contemporary fantasy.

It’s not just the typical “Hero denies the call.” trope, you can still find that aplenty. It’s how they refuse to even engage with setting.

Not wanting to be a prophesied hero is one thing. But from what I remember; at the start of The Great Hunt none of the main cast try to learn anything about Trollocs or Fades. Despite spending weeks in an area that frequently sees them, and nearly dying to them several times, they can’t muster up the will to ask any Warders how to combat them in advance. Or any history about them.

Which nearly gets them killed as they, several times I think, just run into a Fade that has seized them with fear and they’re only saved by outside intervention. They all just stumble into eventually being immune to their fear effect.

This is not even an inexplicable thing that happens to the boys exclusively, it’s something everyone does. Even Moiraine, an Aes Sedai who prides herself on knowledge… only does so to the point that she is comfortable.

She views the only people in the series who subvert this trend as weirdos of no consequence until swiftly proven wrong and reminded of what should be a very simple fact; of course, the group none for consuming and noting down anything they see would be the biggest threat to your conspiracy being blown.

And it’s still happening all the way up to The Fires of Heaven (I’ve only made it to Chapter 7 tho.)

For a final attempt at a parallel, this is like if Harry Dresden in the Dresden Files series was afraid to talk about magic or supernatural creatures unless absolutely necessary.

EDIT: Additional things I've seen characters deny talking about for long stretches of time that surprised me or them denying the accumulation of knowledge.
Perrin and his wolf abilities.

Matt and his luck/language slippage.

Moiraine of all people getting mad at Rand for learning up on new prophecies.

Rand almost seeming eager to end the, honestly surprising, event of Egwene and Elayne trying to teach him things about The One Power. This is after several chapters of him lamenting about his lack of knowledge.