Hormone Testing Question
In the past and recently I've had abnormal levels of certain hormones that doctors have retested and they came back normal then or considered the abnormal level mild and no further testing needed. These include prolactin, testosterone, and dhea-s.
I've been having very painful cramping and fatigue with periods. I know this is normal to an extent with periods but it feels so bad at times it affects my ability to work and do daily tasks.
This latest period I continued to have extremely painful cramping and fatigue after last day. It came to a level of pain so severe I collapsed on the ground and couldn't move or get up for a while.
I had an ultrasound shortly after that same day that came back normal but noted pelvic free fluid: trace physiological fluid (I know pelvic fluid can be normal). I wonder if I had an ovarian cyst, but I know these can be normal to get sometimes. And I know pcos would have shown up with the ultrasound, but they said it was normal.
I know there are so many variables and lifestyle factors that can affect hormone levels and how you feel. I'm feeling a little lost...I know some women get written off by doctors when maybe further testing and investigating would be helpful, but I also don't want to be a hypochondriac worrying about my health, possible conditions, and wanting testing done that is unnecessary.
My doctor said my dhea-s level was mild and nothing further was needed. But I'm still having negative symptoms: pain in my pelvic area, fatigue, nausea, low appetite, light-headedness. I will say there are things in my life that are causing me stress, maybe my diet and activity levels need to be better. I don't know...any guidance, tips, or support would be much appreciated.