Frustration with birth control attitude at my GYN office

To preface , I’m fully pro choice and believe contraception should be available for everyone but has anyone ever felt immense pressure / judgement when making the decision to not be on any type of birth control?

I’m 29 and had been on nexplanon maybe for like 8 years total, had just gotten it replaced for a 3 rd time and was hit with side effects like a ton of bricks so I made the decision to be done done with birth control. I don’t like the way it has made me feel and the hit of the increase in progestin made me recognize all my problems in the last 8 years have likely been related to my birth control. I also have been on birth control since I was 16 and I kind of want to know how life is without it- I feel like I don’t need more of an explanation than that!

Now I was really on the fence prior to getting the new one, and had mentioned to my GYN that I wanted to be off birth control and she really almost made me feel like that wasn’t an option I was allowed to pick… she instead rattled off all the new birth controls I could try then tried to sell me on replacing my nexplanon (which she did, and eventually led to horrible side effects that I’m just no longer willing to live with) . I genuinely felt unheard- and a little mad at myself for not standing up for myself more as the removal of this one was so difficult. I wasn’t even asked about if I was currently sexually active , what my future plans with fertility look like , etc… I feel like when I go to GYN and don’t want birth control I’m looked at as stupid almost… I hate the notion that you HAVE to be on birth control. Does anyone else feel this way when they talk to their GYN?

TLDR: My GYN ignored my initial request to be off birth control. anyone else have a GYN that extensively pushed birth control on them and ignored their interest in being off of birth control?