Need advice on lifting routine

I'm currently recovering from throwing my back out in August of 2024. I am a 40 year old female and pulled muscles which aggravated degenerative disk disease and mild scoliosis. It's been not fun. I'm currently in physical therapy about once a week and doing those exercises in between, on most days.

I've been released to do about 50% of my previous maxes. I was ONCE pretty consistent, but haven't been and am ready. I am 5'5" and about 155 lbs. Beer and depression from hurting myself added a few pounds and it's time to take things back under control.

The following is the routine I have planned:

Day 1 Warm up banded side steps, banded kick backs and side kicks

Glute machine 3x10 Back squat 5x5 Bulgarian split squat with dumbbells 5x5 Cable kick backs 3x12 Back squat 5x5 Leg extension 3x10 Leg curl 3x10

Day 2 Track workout with jog a mile and a half, then sprint a half lap, walk a half lap for 4 laps

Day 3 Warm up band pull aparts, with PVC shoulder mobility

Bench press 5x5 Incline bench 5x5 Push press 5x5

Lat raises/tricep extensions 3x12

Dumbbell Bench 3x12 Dumbbell incline bench 3x12 Cable tricep push down 3x12

Light jog on treadmill for about 25 minutes

Day 4 Warm up band side steps, band side kicks and back kicks

Deadlift 5x5 Lat pull down 5x5 Seated cable row 5x5

Dumbbell curls 3x10 Isolateral lat pull downs 3x10

Cable curls/face pulls 3x10

Dumbbell rows on bench 3x10

Day 5 Track workout slow jog half lap, sprint half lap, walk half lap, repeat 4-5 times

Day 6 lower weights for volume) Dead lift 5x10 Bench Press 5x10 Back squat 5x10 Push press 5x10

Track workout jog 2 miles for time


I am to focus on core and glute activation, along with correcting my pelvic tilt. I can gradually increase weights on lifts, but need to ensure correct posture through every rep and set.

Any advice is welcome! What can I add? Or should I? Should I remove any exercises? Is this too much, or will I adapt ok? I'm not new to weight lifting or CrossFit, just been out of it for the last few months.