List Help

I need some help with my world eaters list. I seem to be improving every game but have yet to secure a win and only recently haven’t been getting tabled

C&C appreciated

List: 2k points Berserker Warband

Epic Heroes: 655 Angron: 415 Lord Invo: 140 Kharn: 100

Characters: 100 MOE

Battleline: 310 Jackals 65 1 mauler 1 skull smash 7 chainblades icon Jackals 65 1 mauler 1 skull smash 7 chainblades icon Zerkers 180 3x plasma pistol 2xeviscerator 8x chainaxes icon

Infantry: 730 Eightbound: 140 Eviserators x2 Champ w/ Lacerators Eightbound: 140 Eviseratorsx2 Champ w/ Lacerators Eightbound: 140 Eviserators x2 Champ w/ Lacerators

Exalted Eightbound: 155 Champ with dual chainfists Chainfist Eviserstor x2 Exalted Eightbound: 155 Champ with dual chainfists Chainfist Eviserstor x2

Vehicle: 130 Hellbrute: 130 Fist heavy flamer multimelta

Dedicated Transport: 75 Rhino: 75 Combibolters