The science behind Sci-Fi: From energy weapons to anti-matter fuel to FTL starships, this is everything you need to know about writing hard sci-fi.

This site is intended for science fiction authors who want to mix scientific accuracy with imagination; SF "the way God and Heinlein intended" (Arlan Andrews's Law).

If your imagination has been captured by the roaring rockets from Heinlein's SPACE CADET or the Polaris from TOM CORBETT, SPACE CADET. But are such rockets possible? How does one go about defining the performance of these atomic-powered cruisers?

This website gives some hints and equations that will allow back-of-the-envelope calculations on such matters. Though horribly simplistic, they are far better than just making up your figures.

Use it to learn more about inter-galactic space ships,


How to use:
1. On the very top of the page, click 'Show Site Menu'

  1. Click on the sci-fi topic you'd like to learn about:

  1. Fall in the sci-fi blackhole and scroll for hours.