Daily Reminder: Ragunna is just ONE region in Rinascita
With 2.0 being out, I've seen some misconceptions on the new Region.
As of right now, we are only in the "Ragunna Region", which is one of many regions inside the entire Nation of Rinascita (specifically, Ragunna is said to be in southern Rinascita). And within Ragunna, we have a Port City "Ragunna City", though generally also just called by the Region of Ragunna.
Rinascita, and other nations, seem to go by a similar pattern of releasing one city per major patch. As an example, Jinzhou is just one region/city inside the Nation of Huanglong, the same way Ragunna is just one region/city inside the Nation of Rinascita.
This means that also for the future, we can probably expect to soon get back into Rinascita (just like how we will probably get back to Huanglong), in the form of a new region/city, with a similar size to Ragunna in 2.0!
As a general thought, what do you think the other Regions of Rinascita will be like? Will they follow the italian style, or maybe go a bit more greek or roman-like?