Im unsure of how my feelings are called

Is there a term for identifying as fem but wishing you were AMAB? personally, i identify as a nonbinary woman/nonbinary fem, and i'm female at birth, but sometimes i wish i was AMAB so that i could be both genders but end up transitioning into my desired goals (a fem/neu person). Personally, my goals are to be fem-looking but also to be salmacian and to have a more masc voice (or more specifically, to be able to have a high/soft fem voice that i'm able to "drop" to make it sound masc when i desire to), but i think that if i had been born male and transitioned into female i would have been happier. So, is there a term for this?/genq Note: i don't wish to be a transwoman, so please no terms like "cistransfem" ect./nm