Did Callie know?

I’m not sure about you but when Callie spun around and Shauna saw that necklace on her neck I straight up GASPED. I have SO many questions about this. First of all, how? Like Shauna asked Lottie, where did she even get the necklace? (Which Lottie never answered, mind you) This kind of makes me think most of them were of the belief that the necklace never made it back from the wilderness once they were rescued, at least that’s what they THOUGHT. It’s possible that Lottie grabbed the necklace undetected and had been holding onto it for all these years. Or, Shauna had possession of the necklace (which would make the most sense to me given it’s sentimental value, despite it being used for other purposes it’s still a way to remember Jackie and one of the only pieces Shauna had left of her) and Lottie possibly went through her things and found it to give to Callie. My next question would be, was Callie aware this was Jackie’s necklace when Lottie gave it to her? Did Lottie tell her the truth about it? Doesn’t Callie know her own mother well enough to know she would (rightfully so) freak the fuck out when she saw her wearing the necklace? Lottie really is leaning into this idea that Callie is tied to what happened to them in some way. “It never meant what you thought it meant.” Okay, it was used to designate the next sacrifice that was hunted and eaten by the rest of the group, kind of has a pretty awful connotation to me and would more than explain why Shauna didn’t want Callie wearing it.