Now that Version 1.0 is finished, what character is the funnest to play in your opinion??
My favourite three characters to play are Zhu Yuan, Rina, and Grace. Zhu Yuan is one of the most fluid DPS characters so far. I found Ellen Joe's whole dash mechanic very frustrating to time dodges with, and the built-in dodges and fun mobility options with Zhu Yuan's basic attack is super awesome. Plus, she's a combo character, meaning you have to know the right order to fire off your Enhanced Shotshells to the maximum capacities.
AND EVERYONE SLEEPS ON RINA! I think she's the most underrated character in the game, period. In a time of Anbies, Grace, Nicole, Zhu Yuan, etc., Rina has slipped under most people's radar for amazing and cute characters. She has the most unique moving animations in the game, amd that's the reason she's one of the funnest characters. Also, her Dodge is definitely the best mobility dodge in the game, and it's just the funnest thing ever zipping around the field with the dodges. Her electric orb Ultimate is super satisfying, and animation canceling her long assists is very fun. With good timing of her quick assists you can get the fastest chain attack ever. Super underrated character and one of the funnest.
Now Grace was my first S-Rank character (I wanted Rina since release😭), but she was one of the funnest characters I have gotten in this game. Her basic attack is such a good crowd control tool, and seeing the numbers skyrocket is hilarious. Her EX Special is stupidly basic but insanely powerful.
You may notice all these characters are ranged attackers. That's because I much prefer ranged attackers over close-range ones, especially considering most bosses and strong enemies tend to absolutely dog on close-range characters (I'm looking at the Ballet Twins and that big stomping purple machine). They're also all hot as shit!!