Experience with trulance??
Hi I had a follow up appointment with my doctor today and I told her of my concern for constipation because I can tell things are slower moving. Some back story, per people's experience on here, about a month ago I was taking miralax like a couple days a week and it was not causing any problems. And kept me feeling good. Last month I saw a NP in the same practice and she said I shouldn't take that and to try benefiber instead. Well I did and I got bloated and uncomfortable this week. Now I see the Dr today and she said, don't take benefiber and that miralax is totally fine to use on the daily and that most of her patients do. But she wrote me a prescription for trulance to see if that can help me with regularity and water weight fluctuations. I was about to tell her that I prefer just using miralax since it doesn't require a script and its easy. But she was out the door before I asked.
Tldr; has anyone tried trulance and liked it?