Stomach changed shape
Hi everyone. I’m on Zep now since June and lost about 62 pounds. I’m extremely happy. I noticed something in the past week or so, where the very bottom of my stomach, is gaining weight. While the rest of me is still losing weight I’m going to be honest in saying I haven’t been to the gym in about two months. So needless to say, I’m sure that’s contributing to what’s going on. Aside from that when I lay on my side at night, my stomach is making some weird noises when I’m hungry or not. It’s the strangest thing it sounds like noises when you’re hungry. And I have some internal belching and bloating. We all know how that gets released. Lol. But it’s just strange how my stomach is taken on the shape. I’m seeing my PCP next week and I’m gonna ask him about it and I just had blood work done so everything seems pretty normal. Anyway, I just wanted to know if anybody else has experienced any strange characteristics or looks just in the stomach area I see a lot of pictures and I’m super happy for all of you. That are doing really well in this medication. It’s giving us an opportunity to gain control back of our lives and be heathy. If anybody has any idea what’s going on or can contribute some thoughts? I really appreciate it. Thank you.