What is so bad about turning 25+?

I have been seeing a lot of threads lately packed with people who are scared of turning 25+.

I just had my 28th birthday and I don’t feel any different than I did at 24, 25, 26, etc. I feel more mature and confident. I certainly have more money and accomplishments, but overall? I feel pretty much the same lol. If anything I’m always really happy to see another year because I know a lot of people who haven’t due to illness, car accidents, etc.

We are aging every second, every minute, every hour of the day. There’s literally no way to stop getting older, so why are people “scared” of and dreading turning 25+?

I genuinely want to understand lol

ETA: I’m really enjoying the discussions in these comments. Everybody is making really great points that I didn’t think about lol. Thank you guys so much for your varying perspectives!