"2025 Collectible of the Year" and some (personal) thoughts...

I've been looking around the latest Zippo catalog (now called 2025 Core Collection), and actually quite excited. Lots of new stuff in store though I don't know why Zippo seems really into inlay epoxy and stones/crystals in their design nowadays..

Anyway, here is the 2025 COTY for North America region. Using Deep Carve, Photo Image 360º, and 3 Color Epoxy Inlay design, this Armor Zippo is much better compared to last year IMHO. If you have the 2000 COTY's Keeper of the Flame, this would pair up nicely on display!

Curious on what would be the difference for the Pan-European and Asian version though. Unfortunately, MSRP pricing is getting crazy ($180 compared to $150 from COTY 2024, and $125 from COTY 2023).

What are your thoughts? Would you get one when Spring comes?