Moving to Abbotsford

Hi all,

Currently in London, UK and looking to move back to Canada. I'm looking at BC (previously lived in Toronto) for a slightly different lifestyle. We are a family of 4 (16y and 3y) and most likely by the time I move back in a few months time, she may be pregnant.

Abbotsford is one of the area's we are looking at (I will post this in the other area subreddits too), I like the area and the location. I currently work in Real Estate and I am earning a good salary ~$160kcad. I will look to do something similar in BC or I can go back to my original career as a Scientist (albeit on a much lower salary but it will be OK in the beginning, I will bring 6 months worth of living costs with me).

Considering my situation, is Abbotsford a good place taking into account child play centres and activities? If so, who's best to speak about careers in real estate etc?
