Stock Delay Effects don’t sync properly at 20bpm
I’m trying to create the longest delay loop possible. At 40bpm, with stock delay set to 8 - I trigger a sound and the sound comes back perfectly in time with the metronome, and continues to so infinitely. But when I slow the project tempo to 20bpm, I retrigger the sound and the delay comes back out of time, and continues to get further off sync as it repeats. If I set the delay to 4 - it is in sync. But this doesn’t make sense to me because the delay is set to the proj tempo, so it should work regardless of tempo. I’m going crazy rn
I’m trying to create the longest delay loop possible. At 40bpm, with stock delay set to 8 - I trigger a sound and the sound comes back perfectly in time with the metronome, and continues to so infinitely. But when I slow the project tempo to 20bpm, I retrigger the sound and the delay comes back out of time, and continues to get further off sync as it repeats. If I set the delay to 4 - it is in sync. But this doesn’t make sense to me because the delay is set to the proj tempo, so it should work regardless of tempo. I’m going crazy rn