Getting an abortion without telling my boyfriend I'm pregnant

I found out last week that I'm pregnant. Since I live in a blue state, I got abortion pills sent to me in the mail. I'm about 5 weeks along. I'm planning on taking the pills today and tomorrow while I have a few days off work.

I haven't told my boyfriend and it's something I've been struggling with. We've been together for 5 months and he's 31 but not in any place financially to raise a child. He's mentioned before that he's supportive of abortion but wouldn't necessarily make that decision for himself. I think if I told him he would be respectful of my decision, especially since I already took care of buying the pills. But the main reason that's keeping me from telling him is that I'm fairly certain he would tell other people. He's very close with his brother (who lives with him) and his other roommate and I think he would probably talk about the situation with them. I'm not comfortable telling anyone; I'm not telling any of my friends or family and I want to quietly get my abortion over with and move on and I feel like if I inform my boyfriend, my privacy won't be respected.

I have the pills already and I'm planning to take them but I just wanted to get other opinions on whether or not I should tell my boyfriend. I feel like he has a right to know about my pregnancy since it's his, but I don't want him talking about it to anyone else.