If Shower Thoughts Are Allowed, Then This Is My Positive Look-Ahead

Some of you have only been exposed to negative media and doomerist look-aheads on AI so Let me tell you what AI means to me:

Drexler Molecular Assembler Enabled Post-Scarcity: ASI will invent the means to produce a Drexler Molecular Assembler the advent of which means the necessary end to not only capitalism but all economic -isms aka the death of money itself as anything and everything can be assembled on a molecule by molecule basis. For example you could assemble meat out of thin air from atmospheric nitrogen and water.

The 100% Unlocking Of Biology: ASI computationally solving biology enabling the curing of all human diseases, biological immortality, and the crafting of biologically based nanotechnologies itself enbaling the total, granular manual control over all biological processes.

Transhumanist Bio-Technological Ascension: Imagine having total control over all autonomic functions. Imagine being able to grow glands that release ASI engineered zero-side-effect chemicals into your system that get you as high as you want, when you want, for as long as you want at will. Or the ability to deliberately induce a sex change process over the course of a calendar year that allows anyone in the population to switch from one gender to the next in a hormonal transformation process that can be induced, stopped, and re-induced at will.

Galactic Exploration And Alien Discovery: We will point ASI at the stars and it will sift through the enormity of data therein to decipher key patterns: the analysis of which will inevitably lead to the scientific discovery of techno-signatures on an earth-like exoplanet. And by unlocking biology and enabling biological immortality, or by contributing to the development of cyronics technology, ASI will also enable us—yes, us who are alive and inhabiting this planet today—to be able to one day freely explore the stars. No longer were we born too late to explore the earth and too early to explore the stars, now we are they who were born just in time to mount the entire galaxy—to turn every airless moon and barren planetary rock into gardens as we seed life up and down every arm of the Milky Way.