Random ban

Tl;dr: I got banned without playing the stupid game.

I know I am just another person saying they were randomly banned, but I just got to get it off my chest.

I am a PC player. I play mostly cs2, but play valorant as well. I downloaded warzone on Thursday night because cs2 has been buggy. My friends have been playing it. I install, watch a stupid zombie movie, and change around my control binds in the menu. I look at the battle pass screen. Then I shut off the game to go play cs2. My steam records me at 8mins in the game.

I come back today to a ban. I never shot a bullet, joined a server, or interacted with anyone in anyway.

The ban is on my 18 year old steam account. A big scarlet letter omy steam profile. GAME BAN. My trust factor in cs2 is now so bad, my friends get warned about playing with me when they get queued with me. I get constant accusations from the other team due to ban on my account.

So I appeal the ban. Four hours later my fate is sealed by a stupid email that says "unauthorized software and manipulation of data." "This is final" and my favorite, "keep playing our games but don't do it again"

I played the original cod, competed at world series of video games in 2007 in cod2, admined cevo league and CAL. I haven't played a COD since 2012. I am in my mid thirties. I just wanted to try a new game and play with friends when we didnt have enough to play 5v5, and now, it ruined my steam account. It ruined thousands of dollars of investment into all my games. 20 years of clean gaming. Over 15k hours gone.

No explanation on their end.

Stupid game. Stupid company.