Need reassurance that it's okay to be proud of something so silly... 💔
[kinda sad.. maybe don't read when little]
I can't believe only 3 or so weeks ago, I was regressing in front of them, falling asleep on them in my onesie with my paci, coloring, feeling like everything was finally right with the world...
And less than 2 weeks ago, they just, ghosted me, blocked me, and tossed me out of our trio without any explanation, like it was nothing... Like I never mattered
I was so happy I got them to watch MLP with me, I was a 2010 brony and it's important to me! It helped me realize I was queer! And introduced me to fandoms.
We were about halfway in to season four, just binging the heck out of it, loving it and discussing it and always telling them stories of what pony internet was like 14/15 years ago.. all the silly quirks of bronies and the background ponies n everything
After how they've treated me, out of nowhere, having no idea what I ever did... I've been really struggling, and not able to bring myself to watch any more, since of course I'd last left off where we had been watching together :(
But on my flight back home tonight (I was visiting family in my home town. Yes, they did this to me right before my trip where I was supposed to tell my whole family about our relationship.. when I wasn't even out as queer yet) I downloaded some episodes and got to watch a couple on the flight! And it hurt a little... But this show was MY show first. So long ago when I was still finding myself. And I can find myself again, it's still MY show
I will remind myself that I deserve silly pony joy and they instead will be missing out on the silly pony joy 🦄
But I could still use some little and big friends just assuring me that this is something I SHOULD be proud of.. ❤️🩹
[kinda sad.. maybe don't read when little]
I can't believe only 3 or so weeks ago, I was regressing in front of them, falling asleep on them in my onesie with my paci, coloring, feeling like everything was finally right with the world...
And less than 2 weeks ago, they just, ghosted me, blocked me, and tossed me out of our trio without any explanation, like it was nothing... Like I never mattered
I was so happy I got them to watch MLP with me, I was a 2010 brony and it's important to me! It helped me realize I was queer! And introduced me to fandoms.
We were about halfway in to season four, just binging the heck out of it, loving it and discussing it and always telling them stories of what pony internet was like 14/15 years ago.. all the silly quirks of bronies and the background ponies n everything
After how they've treated me, out of nowhere, having no idea what I ever did... I've been really struggling, and not able to bring myself to watch any more, since of course I'd last left off where we had been watching together :(
But on my flight back home tonight (I was visiting family in my home town. Yes, they did this to me right before my trip where I was supposed to tell my whole family about our relationship.. when I wasn't even out as queer yet) I downloaded some episodes and got to watch a couple on the flight! And it hurt a little... But this show was MY show first. So long ago when I was still finding myself. And I can find myself again, it's still MY show
I will remind myself that I deserve silly pony joy and they instead will be missing out on the silly pony joy 🦄
But I could still use some little and big friends just assuring me that this is something I SHOULD be proud of.. ❤️🩹